There is growing interest in social accounting and audit from social economy and voluntary organisations and from agencies that invest in and support them. All are looking for ways of proving their value, improving their effectiveness, and understanding their worth to society.
The following case studies have recently been prepared to highlight new trends in social accounting practice and to examine in detail the benefits of social accounting. They also contain tips and advice from organisations at different stages in their social accounting journey and from differing backgrounds.

Highland Home Carers - currently the largest independent provider of care at home in the Highland region and at the forefront of the social care field in Scotland. Download their case study to learn about their extensive experience of social accounting
St Leger Homes - responsible for the management of council homes, along with a portfolio of shopping parades, garage sites and land in Doncaster. St Leger have only recently started social accounting, but represent a growing interest from the social housing sector. Download their case study
Neuro-Muscular Centre - receiving a GSK Social Impact measurement award for their effort, NMC has combined their social and financial accounts to give a broad, stakeholder-led view of their organisation and its work. Download their case study
All Saints Action Network - a community anchor organisation in Wolverhampton, this organisation is truly led by and embedded in its local community and has used social accounts to demonstrate their accountability to that community for over 10 years. Download their case study
Unlimited Potential - is a social enterprise based in Salford that has been using social accounting for nearly ten years. It has fully embedded the social accounting process into its operation and uses it to be accountable to its members and stakeholders, as well as providing evidence for commissioners. Download their case study
The case studies cover a range of types of organisation working in the social economy. Some have been carrying out social accounting for many years, and others have not yet completed a set of social accounts. All have interesting and informative stories to tell.
Other case studies include:

Case Studies
Case Studies of Social Accounting and Audit