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Reading with Magnifying Glass

Directory of Social Accounts

Examples of social accounts and documents to download

One of the principles of social accounting is that organisations should ‘be transparent’. We would always encourage the publication of social accounts or social impact reports.


SAN has collected information from a selection of organisations from the social economy from across the world that have kept social accounts. Some are ‘draft’ (unaudited) social accounts and some are published Social (Impact) Reports – but the authors have shared their documents on the basis that they can be used to help and inspire others.


The full collection of reports is located at our Virtual Learning Platform but we have made a selection available for you to download here:

Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH)
All Saints Action Network 
Basuki Primary School, Nepal 
Bradford Community Environmental Project 
Bundaberg Skills Centre, Australia 
Community Council for Somerset 
Creative Handicrafts, India 
Community Technical Aid Centre 
Deafness Support Network 
Five Lamps
Generation Co-production 
Healthwatch Northumberland 
KEY Youth Homelessness 
North East Sensory Services 
NeuroMuscular Centre 
Procure Plus
Rang De, India 
Shared Interest 
Stop Violence New Zealand 
St Leger Homes 

Guide to Social Enterprise planning


SAN Director Alan Kay worked with colleagues at Community Business Scotland to write a Guide to Social Enterprise Planning. 


Under the brand Just the Business, the Social Audit Network is now distributing the Guide in return for donations to the Social Enterprise Collection (archive) at Glasgow Caledonian University. The Guide, which only exists in electronic copy, combines the essential elements of business planning with the need for systems to track and account for social change.


For further details on purchasing this guide please contact We will then send this to you, along with the 6 annexes, electronically by email.



Other Papers:


SAN curates a collection of reports on the social economy, which are available at our Virtual Learning Platform. We have made a selection available for you to download here:

Venturesome – Balancing Financial Risk and Social Return
DEMOS – Measuring Social Value
Ethical Corporation briefing – reporting
The Guild – Getting Started in Social Impact Measurement
New Economics Foundation – Measuring Wellbeing
OECD - Policy Brief on social impact measurement for social enterprises
Triangle – What is the Outcomes Star
New Economy – Social Value – Understanding the wider impact of public policy interventions 

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We want to help you to use social accounting and audit to report on your social, environmental and economic impact.


If you're interested, you can join us in a variety of ways....





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This website is dedicated to the memory of Dan Cundall of NMC Design and Print.

SAN would like to thank Dan and his colleagues for their expert communications and design support and their enthusiasm for social accounting and audit.

We are truly in awe of the positive way that Dan and many others like him live with neuro-muscular conditions..’

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