Our UK partners include:
Social Value UK is the national network for anyone interested in social value and social impact. We work with our members to increase the accounting, measuring and managing of social value from the perspective of those affected by an organisation’s activities, through our Social Value Principles. We believe in a world where a broader definition of value will change decision making and ultimately decrease inequality and environmental degradation.
Social Enterprise UK is the biggest network of social enterprises in the UK.
Their activities include:
Running effective campaigns for our members and lobby on the sector’s behalf
Carrying out robust and respected research to help paint a picture of the UK’s social enterprise movement
Working with our corporate partners to broker business for our members and other social enterprises
Raising awareness of the role that social enterprises play delivering health and care services
Building networks between social enterprises
Raising the profile of people and social enterprises in the sector

Social Enterprise Mark CIC is an award-winning international social enterprise accreditation body, which has over ten years’ experience of providing clear standards for the social enterprise sector, defining what it means to be a genuine social enterprise.
Affiliate Networks:
SAN recognises a number of local and other networks, where organisations are getting together to discuss social value, social impact and social accounting. These networks are not formal members of the Social Audit Network (SAN) but are recognised by SAN as affiliate networks. Both networks will work together for mutual benefit.
If your local network would like to be affiliated with SAN, please contact us below.

SAN has partnering arrangements with a range of organisations in the social economy – we run joint events, offer discounts to each other’s members and work together to support social enterprises and voluntary organisations.