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SAN Worldwide

SAN in the UK has sister organisations across the world,

including India, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, USE and South Korea


SAN India.png

SAN India was incorporated in 2010, building from support provided by one of our former Directors, Alan Kay, to the MSDS Trust. 


Based on the Social Accounting & Audit Framework, SAN India offers a wide range of social impact associated services to help organizations reflect on its performance and improve on it. We offer consultancy services and Capacity Building for Organisations and Individuals.


Colleagues from SAN India take an active part in SAN UK, and we have jointly delivered training webinars and workshops using digital technology.


For more information about SAN India.



The Mercury Centre Cooperative Ltd in Sydney, Australia is a collaborative, social enterprise catalyst working with organisations and communities to build sustainable enterprises and equitable wealth. Mercury provides a range of programs including consultancy, research, information, training and resourcing services.


Mercury has a long-term association with social and ethical accounting frameworks in Australia and are now working to re-generate SAA in Australia.  Mercury is establishing an “Associates” network to develop, promote and enable training for practitioners and assisting community organisations to adopt SAA, while administering processes for the accreditation and assessment of SAA reporting.


For more information and contact details of SAA in Australia.


SAN in Korea was established in November 2012 as a co-operative and involves 12 local organizations. Every year they hold the training course of social accounting and social audit three or four times on average. They provide social accounting consulting for member organizations and help member organizations to submit social audit reports.


SAN Korea Website

SAN also has partners in Finland, Germany, USA, New Zealand and South Africa.

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We want to help you to use social accounting and audit to report on your social, environmental and economic impact.


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This website is dedicated to the memory of Dan Cundall of NMC Design and Print.

SAN would like to thank Dan and his colleagues for their expert communications and design support and their enthusiasm for social accounting and audit.

We are truly in awe of the positive way that Dan and many others like him live with neuro-muscular conditions..’

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